I figure there is enough blogs out there to report all the goings on the set of New Moon and all the other projects the cast is doing and I can't afford to stalk sets or the nightlife of the cast. I am a 32 year old mom of 2....I try to have what appears to be a normal life in the midst of Twilight fever. Even though, Kellan will be an hour from me doing his Nightmare on Elm Street movie....yet I am resisting the urge to find out the exact details.
What we can do, is post hot pictures.....with our comments. They make our hiney tingles in uber major ways!
We can tell you about great smut fanfiction.....dear lord, I get caught up in them....I lose all track of time and sense of family fulfillment.
We can post pictures of us at the upcoming get together of Slapperfest 2009 in PA to see 100 Monkeys-okay I will admit that is a little obsessive to drive 800 miles to see Jackson, but I am dubbing it my Mommy's day gift and seeing some great friends WITHOUT the kids in tow....so it is not that bad. What can go wrong with 7 women at a bar, drinking and dancing and oogling Jackson? That is right! Nothing can go wrong.
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