Welcome Slappers and Fellow Twihards
This is a blog to celebrate and appreciate the wonderful casting job of the Cullen Men. Feel free to drool, daydream, and hallucinate about these wonderful men and the georgous characters that they play.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Monday, August 3, 2009
Peter is a Womanizer
To kick off our tribute to Peter Facinelli, we have a little something that will get you fired up over this gorgeous man. Hope you enjoy.
New Month, New Cullen Hottie
We are counting down the days till the world premier of New Moon. Something we all have been waiting for. While we do this, we will be featuring a new Cullen Hottie each month. This month, it is Peter Facinelli aka Dr. Carlisle Cullen. There will be drool worthy picture, youtube videos, posts by crazed fans and some news worthy info for all of you on Team Carlisle. So sit back and enjoy and let the Carlisle Cullen Hiney Tingles begin.
Friday, July 17, 2009
Signs you are an Twi-addict
You have surgery and are waking up and request Jackson, Robert and Twilight and not your hubby that came with you.

Is this addiction, I think so.

Is this addiction, I think so.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
They really need to let us know what the release date is for this
movie 'cuz I really wanna see it!!
movie 'cuz I really wanna see it!!
Suspenders Anyone??
Ok, I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one that would
LOVE to yank on those suspenders!!
LOVE to yank on those suspenders!!
Monday, July 13, 2009
Jackson as Sokka

Thanks to Jackson Rathbone online site, here he is dressed up as Sokka for The Last Airbender movie.
Here is the cartoon version of Sokka:

My house watchs this cartoon and I have seen the faces Sokka makes and I am sure JR can pull off Sokka's goofiness, but I do understand the skin shade differences-so lets not go there. I want to see this movie-but my family does not once they found out who was in it. Oh well. Me likes Jackson! He is a great actor!
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Friday, July 10, 2009
Fantastic Friday

Oh kill me now. The Hat, the lips, the smirk, the pinstripes and all I can do is stare at your crotch. Seriously, I am 32 freaking years old and a 24 year should never have the vagina osmosis capacity that he has on me.
Anyway, I think it is the alcohol that is making my vagina respond more to this picture than my brain is. That vagina is always getting me in trouble with regards to Jackson.
Please, Jackson, if you ever stumble upon this blog in your late night of web surfing, please disregard everything that is typed. I am buzzed and slightly ashamed of myself for admitting that you do things to me based on a picture. It doesn't help that I was near you at Khyber and you smiled at me with those perfect teeth. It was the only time I think I was rendered speechless.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Vagina Osmosis
I have it bad. This is when you look at pictures and all fluids leave your body and are somehow transported to your panties. Your mouth feels like cotton, your skin is taut with dehydration, but yet, the panties are soaked and you are horny for unattainable men.
I have this osmosis on a daily basis. I am a 30 year something lusting after 20 year old men. WTH is wrong with me? No 20 something has ever given me vagina osmosis-like ever.
All men should dress like this daily. Vagina Osmosis #1
Can I join you there, Jackson. Look he has a treasure trail. HUGE ASS VAGAINA OSMOSIS #2
He looks all innocent and sweet here. Man can dress Vagina Osmosis #3

Seriously get me a new pair of panties. The ones I am wearing are soaked through and through.
I have this osmosis on a daily basis. I am a 30 year something lusting after 20 year old men. WTH is wrong with me? No 20 something has ever given me vagina osmosis-like ever.

Seriously get me a new pair of panties. The ones I am wearing are soaked through and through.
Monday, July 6, 2009
Meaningful Monday

That jaw makes me unproductive all day long, he is like yummy being all scruffy and the hair is dripping sweat. Does it make you unproductive as well? Lemme know.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
So....does anyone else feel the urge to just pull on his mohawk??
I know I do!!
I know I do!!
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Friday, July 3, 2009
Jackson in Girlfriend
He might be starring in this role which was passed along to him from his fellow band mate Jared. Read Article on the movie Girlfriend
Lets hope this movie gets made.....we can all use more Jackson in our daily life.
Lets hope this movie gets made.....we can all use more Jackson in our daily life.
Feel the need to send Monkey Mail?
As some of the Twilight people know, Mr. Rathbone (god why does he have such a naughty sounding last name) and a few of his buddies have a band called 100 Monkeys. You can send them guitar picks-they are in dire need of them.
100 Monkeys
P.O.Box 48617
Los Angeles, CA 90015
Some people don't like their music, some people do. I like their music. It took me a few times-okay months-to listen to them. I turned the music on and was like shut it off.....making my ears bleed. Seriously, I couldn't stand the music. I am being honest here. Then one day, I was in a really crappy crappy mood and went to my trusty Myspace and clicked on Jello......and I laughed hysterically at the made up song. Then I made my way to the music again....I slowly started liking it. Now it is like I will listen to them here, I will even drive to PA to listen to them there, I will listen to them anywhere.
So he is one HOT SEXY MONKEY! I want him to be my Monkey Man....
100 Monkeys
P.O.Box 48617
Los Angeles, CA 90015
Some people don't like their music, some people do. I like their music. It took me a few times-okay months-to listen to them. I turned the music on and was like shut it off.....making my ears bleed. Seriously, I couldn't stand the music. I am being honest here. Then one day, I was in a really crappy crappy mood and went to my trusty Myspace and clicked on Jello......and I laughed hysterically at the made up song. Then I made my way to the music again....I slowly started liking it. Now it is like I will listen to them here, I will even drive to PA to listen to them there, I will listen to them anywhere.
So he is one HOT SEXY MONKEY! I want him to be my Monkey Man....

Thursday, July 2, 2009
Jackson Rathbone in all his hotness

For the month of July, we are going to be featuring Jackson Rathbone and his character Jasper Hale. We will be posting seriously sexy pictures of him that will require a towel to wipe up the drool puddle left on your computer desk. We will run stories on him, provide hot videos and several other little goodies. So check in often for updates. If you have suggestions for this month with Jackson, please post them in the comments.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
I am not Team Emmett....but OMG

Emmett "I am looking at you, lets go to bed. You ready?"
Stay Tuned in....
Starting next month, we are going to be making changes to the blog. We are going to run specials and feature one Cullen man each month. There will be polls, photos, stories, and clips of the featured character and their counterpart to drool over and have hot steamy dreams about. We may even throw in some added surprises to our loyal followers. So make sure to check in and enjoy.
Word Of Advice If You Ever Meet Jackson Rathbone
Read this and take it to heart. Jackson tells all about what he looks for in a woman and about his perfect first date. And let me say this, Why can't all guys be as perfect as J.Action sounds. And I would love to shoot nerf guns at his bandmates!!
Sunday, June 21, 2009
This is what happens
When you make fun of the Cullen Men in my house or anything Twilight related!

That is right, I lock them up with the dogs. They clearly enjoyed the punishment too much. I think they might be part of the wolf pact.
This is their leader:
They still bad mouth Twilight and the Cullens. But when they bad mouth or even think ill ofthe wolves the Cullen Men Twilight, she has been trained to bite them. The kids will learn to appreciate Twilight soon enough or the little killer wolf dog will cure them with her little sharp teeth. Just a matter of time.

That is right, I lock them up with the dogs. They clearly enjoyed the punishment too much. I think they might be part of the wolf pact.
This is their leader:

They still bad mouth Twilight and the Cullens. But when they bad mouth or even think ill of
Friday, June 19, 2009
Saturday, June 13, 2009
OMG...I love Having Peter in my head 24/7

I follow Peter on Twitter. He has had "Single Ladies" song in his head for quite some time now. He twittered about it, he infected me. I am now singing randomly "If you liked it should put a ring on it" OMG...srsly!
Well, now I freaking dreaming about him getting to a half a million followers! How more obsessed can I be, I am up after going to bed at 1am and it is now 545am CST? I am dreaming about the man in a totally non-sexual way. Can you believe this-in a nonsexual way? I want to see this video of his friend walking down Hollywood BLvd in a bikini-Peter is thinking it will be yellow (do not sing the yellow polka dot song Cathie) holding a sign that says Twitter me while singing 'Single Ladies', if for some reason the Twilight Fandom fails Peter in this conquest, then Peter has to give up his Twilight actors chair to his friend. I think for our entertainment purposes seeing a grown man in a bikini singing is more fun! Lets do this!
Peter Facinelli,
Single Ladies,
Friday, June 12, 2009
Tweet Alert!!!
If you twitter, follow Peter Facinelli (aka Dr. Cullen). He made a bet with his friend Rob DeFranco that he could get half a million followers by next Friday. We need to help out our favorite DR so come one, come all and Follow the Great Dr.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Sexytime with Bella and Edward
I have no idea who made these gifs, but there is a story to them. I am going to tell you the story.

Bella, I am tired of just kissing you all the time, so I had a talk with my hot brothers and they gave me house shattering pointers.
Like having sex standing up.

Bella, love, I am glad you agree....hold on going to fast, I am going to jizz my pants.
Um they said to slow me down to try dry humping me like a spider monkey in a tree.....I think Emmett wants to laugh at me.
They also suggested role playing, but I am afraid of this one Bella, what if I kill you?
Does my face give away that I stole your virtue and we had pre-marital sex? I mean, Bella, we are grinning like the teenagers filled with angst that we are. I hope the warewolf doesn't find out.

Bella, I am tired of just kissing you all the time, so I had a talk with my hot brothers and they gave me house shattering pointers.

Bella, love, I am glad you agree....hold on going to fast, I am going to jizz my pants.

Thursday, June 4, 2009
Bulge Take 2

Is Chris Hansen around? I am dead! You can see the details...it is all in the details. Um....can we say hung like a wolf? I think we can! LOL
Obvious bulging....

Tuesday, June 2, 2009
June 2 will be renamed
Twilight election day!
We have Twilight fan fiction voting going on here: The Sparkle Awards
I haven't read a lot of these stories, but I am now that they are nominated.
Vote for Robert as Hottest Man Ever Made (or some thing like that): Vanity Fair
Taylor is another Hot But Not Yet Legal Man: Hello Magazine
So there cast some votes if you are bored.
We have Twilight fan fiction voting going on here: The Sparkle Awards
I haven't read a lot of these stories, but I am now that they are nominated.
Vote for Robert as Hottest Man Ever Made (or some thing like that): Vanity Fair
Taylor is another Hot But Not Yet Legal Man: Hello Magazine
So there cast some votes if you are bored.
Monday, June 1, 2009

Okay I don't have Showtime in my tv package. I am cheap, what can I say? Well after screaming like a 12 year old girl half the night with Twilight and MTV, my directv was showing the premeire episode of Nurse Jackie on like channel 101. I was curious, b/c Peter Fuckable plays in it. He is now Dr. Fuckable! He is not compassionate in this role, he plays a cocky arrogant know it all asshole, that doesn't listen to the nurses when it comes to patients and their care that is needed. But still Peter in a lab coat....hello...hiney tingles. Well he gets told off on and I loved it! Nurse Jackie had no problem putting Dr. Fuckable in his place. I forgot Peter's character name-hello I was distracted. I really want Showtime again, this is a show I would so watch. I loved it!

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